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The BGS Spring Meeting 2021 is taking place on 28-30 April. Click here to view the programme, register or find out how to join online live or on demand.
The BGS Autumn Meeting will cover the latest scientific research and the best clinical practice in care of older people. Our ageing population is stimulating extensive NHS service redesign to deal with the challenge of caring f
A BGS communities of practice online meeting - this meeting will focus on developing clinical skills for Nurse and Allied Health professionals
A BGS communities of practice online meeting - this meeting will focus on developing leadership skills for Nurse and Allied Health professionals
The BGS Autumn Meeting will cover the latest in evidence and best practice in the health and care of older people.
This virtual event is intended for clinicians and healthcare professionals working with older people at risk of falls
BGS Nurse and AHP Council have identified five levels of health and care staff in the workforce where specific knowledge and skills pertaining to working with older people, who may be living or dying with frailty, requires a tailored educational and practice development response.
We should never lose sight that most older people live well in older age. However, we are also very familiar with the challenge of a population that is ageing with all the risks associated with co-morbidities and complex health and social care issues.
Outgoing Chair and Deputy Chair of the BGS Nurses and AHPs Council reflect on the past two years and celebrate the contibutions of the Council during the pandemic.
We are only as good as the sum of our parts – person-centred care for older people with complex needs is not the task of any profession alone.
I stared through the window at the propellor whirring not much more than 8 feet from my head and wondered what makes the difference between safety and disaster on an aeroplane. Evidence from the airline industry would suggest that the biggest single factor is the human factor - the so called nontechnical skills.
What makes you go ‘hmm…?’ about occupational therapy in the UK? Well, the Royal College of Occupational Therapists in collaboration with the James Lind Alliance has launched a UK-wide survey to find out.
There are three times as many care home beds as acute hospital beds in the UK. This issue focuses on the significant group of older people who live with frailty in care homes. This content is limited to members only.
This report summarises the findings of a survey of the BGS membership undertaken in late 2023. It provides a snapshot into how our members are feeling about their work and the services they work in.