
2022 Leadership and Management Weekend

Date range
28 - 30 April 2021
This meeting has applied for 15 credits of live CPD credit (expires 30 May 2021) and 15 credits Distance learning CPD accreditation (expires 30 April 2022) from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP)

A two-day residential course specifically designed for senior registrars in geriatric medicine, focusing on management and leadership issues that affect health services for older people.

Currently, we are at capacity for the course.
If you have any questions about the leadership weekend, please contact registrations@bgs.org.uk

Using the seven domains of the NHS Leadership Framework, the course will be structured in small facilitated interactive group sessions, analyzing questions around leadership, policy and management topics that attendees may get asked in consultant interviews. The objective is for each delegate to leave the weekend with a personal development plan for leadership and management for the start of their career as a consultant in geriatric medicine.

Cost to attend

*All fees include VAT BGS Member
Senior Doctors – Post CCT or CESR CP Professions



Pre CCT or CESR CP Professions, Healthcare professionals (Nurses, Physiotherapists, Researchers)

£240 £400

Accommodation and travel costs are not included in the cost to attend. You will need to arrange accomodation directly with the Orchard Hotel or elsewhere in Nottingham. 

Rooms at the Orchard hotel will be £99 for attendees on the 9 and 10 September

For allocation rooms, you will would need to call the hotel's Reservations Team between 9am-5pm on 0115 876 0900 and quote ‘ Leadership and Management Weekend’

The Registration fee covers the course, breakfasts, lunches, refreshments, and dinner on Saturday night. 

Course information

Event Overview

Medical leadership and management is of growing importance. Developing effective services for older patients living with frailty lie at the heart of future planning for the NHS and commissioners and policymakers are increasingly turning to consultant geriatricians to provide expert advice on clinical governance and service delivery models.

New consultant geriatricians, and senior healthcare professionals. need to have skills in clinical leadership to ensure that services change and develop to meet the specific challenges raised by our patients.While there are many generic courses on management and leadership available to help specialist registrars, there are none that address the specific needs of one of the largest medical specialties, geriatric medicine. To help address this gap, the British Geriatrics Society is holding a two-day residential course specifically designed for senior StRs in geriatric medicine, focusing on management and leadership issues that affect health services for older people.
The objective is for each delegate to leave the weekend with a personal development plan for leadership and management for the start of their career as a consultant in geriatric medicine. It is a not-for-profit course run for the benefit of BGS members and offers exceptional value for money.

Who should attend

  • The course is aimed at senior (ST6 and ST7) specialist registrars in geriatric medicine, who are approaching their final registrar year and looking for a consultant position in the near future.
  • New consultants, SAS grade doctors and advanced clinical practitioners are welcome to join as well.

Why participate

  • Gain more knowledge about the interview process for becoming a consultant in geriatric medicine. Practice and develop interview skills – anticipate and prepare for potential questions.
  • Network with other senior trainees experienced consultants and BGS office holders.
  • Gain vital knowledge on key leadership and management challenges facing health services for older people.
  • Get professional guidance & assistance on how to avoid common pitfalls in leading the delivery of services for older patients living with frailty
  • Develop contacts to render help and mentorship during your first year as a geriatric consultant, or senior leadership role.
  • Refresh and refocus: The venue is set in 330 acres of the University of Nottingham's landscaped parkland with free access to the state-of-the-art gym and 25m swimming pool at the University of Nottingham’s David Ross Sports Village. We will hold a dinner on Saturday night as well.

Recommended reading list

The reading list is non-compulsory but it covers some important recent papers that will shape leadership and management agendas for geriatricians over the coming years alongside more generic issues of which you should be aware. The list is not exhaustive and has been whittled down to give a primer ahead of the course. You can download it on the course page.


Accommodation and travel costs are not included in the cost to attend. You will need to arrange accommodation directly with the Orchard Hotel or elsewhere in Nottingham. 

The Registration fee covers the course, breakfasts, lunches, refreshments, and dinner on Saturday night. 

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