
2022 North West Spring Region Meeting

Date range
28 - 30 April 2021
This meeting has applied for 15 credits of live CPD credit (expires 30 May 2021) and 15 credits Distance learning CPD accreditation (expires 30 April 2022) from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP)

This event is a local forum covering the latest scientific research and the best clinical practice in care of older people. This meeting will cover core areas of interest to all specialists responsible for the health care of older people and is open to attendees from near and far.

This meeing will be hosted online and is FREE to attend

Who should attend:

  • Consultants & specialist doctors in geriatric medicine
  • Researchers into Ageing and Age-Related Conditions 
  • Doctors training in related specialties
  • GPs with an Extended Role in Older People and GP trainees
  • Nurses and allied health professionals
  • Advanced and Specialist practitioners
  • Consultant Practitioners/Consultant Nurses
  • Physician Associates
  • Internal Medicine Trainees (especially those considering a career in geriatric medicine)
  • Medical, Nursing, Allied Health professional students

Why participate:

  • Understand more on the key areas & challenges faced in geriatric medicine  
  • Hear focused presentations on core areas of the geriatric medicine
  • Present the latest scientific research to British Geriatrics Society members and elected officers
  • Attend small group workshop sessions
  • Network & socialise with other healthcare professionals


14.00 Introduction and welcome 
Dr Emma Vardy, BGS North West Chair 
14.05 Common skin conditions in older people
Dr Emma McMullen - Consultant Dermatologist, Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust

Clinical decision making and reasoning
Dr Jess Grundy - GP and Academic Lead for Staff Development within the Division of Medical Education at The University of Manchester, Associate Hospital Dean for Communication Skills teaching, Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

14.55 Break
15.05 Green inhaler prescribing
Professor Nawar Bakerly, Consultant Respiratory Physician and Clinical Director for Respiratory Services, Salford Royal, Chief Clinical Information Officer, Salford Integrated Care Organisation
15.30 What Geriatricians need to know about the menopause
Dr Zoe Hodson - General Practitioner, Manchester Menopause Hive

Closing words
Dr Emma Vardy, BGS North West Chair


Not registered