This event is intended for clinicians and healthcare professionals working with older people in acute and community settings. The day will include keynote presentations from experts in the field, workshops and plenary sessions demonstrating best practice approaches available. We hope you will make contacts and start collaborations which will continue on from this meeting.
Registration for this meeting will be hosted by the Cardiovascular Section Website. For more information on the meeting programme, visit the CV Section website , and to register online.
Abstracts will be accepted as well - please submit a poster
Who should attend:
- Consultants & specialist doctors in geriatric medicine
- Researchers in geriatric medicine
- Doctors training in related specialties
- GPs wsi in Older People and GP trainees
- Nurses and allied health professionals
- Core medical trainees considering a career in geriatric medicine
Why participate:
- Understand more on the key areas & challenges faced in geriatric medicine
- Hear focused presentations on core areas of the geriatric medicine
- Present the latest scientific research to British Geriatrics Society members and elected officers