
East Anglia Region Autumn Meeting 2019

Date range
28 - 30 April 2021
This meeting has applied for 15 credits of live CPD credit (expires 30 May 2021) and 15 credits Distance learning CPD accreditation (expires 30 April 2022) from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP)

Important Notice : Due to unforeseen circumstances, the East Anglia Autumn meeting 2019 scheduled for 26 September is being postponed to Spring 2020.

If you have already registered for the meeting, please contact registrations@bgs.org.uk.

If you did not plan to attend the meeting, we’d appreciate if you could let us know what reason prevented you to join us on the day at registrations@bgs.org.uk so we can look at addressing the situation in Spring 2020.

We hope to advertise the new date for the meeting shortly.

Sponsorship Opportunities

The BGS welcomes sponsors to exhibit at this conference. Please see the sponsorship packages by clicking below