
OncoGeriatrics Meeting 2021

Date range
28 - 30 April 2021
This meeting has applied for 15 credits of live CPD credit (expires 30 May 2021) and 15 credits Distance learning CPD accreditation (expires 30 April 2022) from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP)

This meeting will raise awareness of the specific needs of older people with cancer, including multidisciplinary assessment and support during treatment. Organised by The Christie School of Oncology and British Geriatrics Society

Who should attend:

It is aimed at professions from all backgrounds with an interest in improving outcomes for older people with cancer.

Topics covered:

  • Frailty assessment
  • Support for older patients with cancer
  • Management of polypharmacy
  • Examples of good practice 

Submit an abstract

Please click below for information on submitting poster submissions and oral presentations on the subject of geriatric oncology or general frailty. The deadline for submissions is 5pm on 5 February 2021.