
SE & SW Thames Joint Autumn Meeting 2018

Date range
28 - 30 April 2021
This meeting has applied for 15 credits of live CPD credit (expires 30 May 2021) and 15 credits Distance learning CPD accreditation (expires 30 April 2022) from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP)

This event is currently sold out and registration onsite is not possible.

Why attend:

  • Further attendee’s overall knowledge and understanding of current research and practice in care of older people in core and difficult areas
  • Improve attendee’s skills in the treatment and care of older people
  • Take away new activities and ideas to progress their workplace’s services
  • Inspire attendees to achieve personnel excellence in care of older people

Who should attend:

  • Consultants and Professors of Geriatric Medicine
  • Specialty Doctors
  • Specialist Registrars (StRs) in Geriatric Medicine and related specialties
  • Nurse Consultants, Nurse Specialists and Advanced Nurse Practitioners
  • GPs and GP Trainees
  • Physiotherapists, Advanced Clinical Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Allied Health Professionals
  • Researchers into ageing and age-related conditions
  • Core Medical Trainees and Foundation Year Doctors
    Medical Students

Call for abstracts

We will accept ALL scientific abstracts for poster or oral presentation up to a maximum of 36 (due to space limitations for posters) on a “first come, first served basis”. There will be platform presentations of the highest quality abstracts, and poster presentation for all other abstracts. Please do come and showcase your work. Please submit by email to yvonne.morrissey@endpointe.co.uk

If you have exhibited a poster at a meeting of another organisation, the Joint SW/SE Regional BGS would be pleased to give your work further exposure and invites you to exhibit your poster. Doctors, Medical Students, Nurses, Therapists, Pharmacists and Scientists - all welcome!! 

If you wish to take advantage of this exposure, send an abstract of your work to yvonne.morrissey@endpointe.co.uk. Put: ‘Joint Regional BGS Meeting- Unadjudicated Abstract' in the subject line. Deadline to submit your abstract is 10th September 2018 at 5pm.

Instructions for submission

Preparing your abstract

The maximum word count is 370 words. The total word count for the fields ‘Title, Authors and Provenance’ is up to 70 words. The maximum word count for the field ‘Abstracts Editor’ is 300 words.

  • Title (using Title Case)
  • Authors (initials then surname, using capitals without any full stops: e.g. J Smith1, P Jones1, T Renwick 2)
  • Provenance (i.e. place of work e.g. 1. Southampton University, 2. Dept of Elderly Care, Cardiff University Hospital)
  • The maximum word count for these three fields is 70 words.
  • ABSTRACT The maximum word count is 300 words.

The following format is recommended for Scientific presentation abstracts:

Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion but the format may vary according to the type of submission e.g. if Clinical Effectiveness abstract (see BGS website.)


Cost to attend

  BGS Member
Day Fee (inc VAT)
Day Fee (Inc VAT)
Consultant / GP Free


SAS Grade / StR / GP Trainee Free £30
Nurse Free Free
Allied Health Professional Free Free
Retired Free Free
CMT / Foundation Year Doctor Free Free
Medical Student Free Free
Corporate Representative £100 £100