Who should join:
- All doctors in training grades providing healthcare to older people
- Provide peer support and to reflect across the impact of COVID19 to training in geriatric medicine
What will be covered:
- What COVID19 means for training.
- What education opportunities BGS can provide remotely to assist specialty training
How to participate:
- Use the Q&A function to interact with the presenters. Find out how to use Teams
- Participate to Polls via Slido #BGSTrainee. Learn how to join
- Connect on Twitter @GeriSoc #BGSConf
Before joining this live event:
- Make sure your browser allows third-party cookies.
- Ensure your browser supports Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Azure Media Player.
- There is a Q&A function to interact with the presenters. Familiarise yourself with the details here before the meeting.
- Check your emails for the joining link. Any issues please email registrations@bgs.org.uk