
Trent Webinar Series - Webinar #1

Date range
28 - 30 April 2021
This meeting has applied for 15 credits of live CPD credit (expires 30 May 2021) and 15 credits Distance learning CPD accreditation (expires 30 April 2022) from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP)

A BGS webinar on Front door experience and of using technology during the COVID pandemic.

The 90-minute webinar will start at 19.00 on 8 July. Sign-up for free by clicking the Register online button on the right hand side.

We will be using Microsoft Teams Live Event. Read more about joining a Teams Live Event here

Who should join:

  • All professionals providing healthcare to older people. Although this webinar is being organised by BGS Trent all healthcare professionals are welcome to register regardless of geographical location

What will be covered:

  • Webinar #1 (8th July):  Front door experience and of using technology during the COVID pandemic.

  • Webinar #2 (15 July): Community Care home experience and Palliative care during the COVID pandemic

  • Webinar #3 (22 July): Update on training and research

  • Webinar #4 (29 July): MDT and Pharmacy experience during the COVID pandemic

How to participate:

Before joining this live event:

CPD accreditation for Virtual Events

BGS has applied for 1 CPD accreditation for each webinar with the RCP.

Participants watching a live webinar must sign in with their full name when joining via a web browser or use a personal MS Teams account.

If participants join live using a shared work account or viewing as a group they must contact us before the end of the live webinar to record attendance.

This should be by email with their full name, email address and place of work to registrations@bgs.org.uk. Participant must register before the live webinar start to claim CPD credits.

We cannot send CPD certificate to participants who haven’t registered in advance.

Participants accessing the archived version of the webinar may record this in their CPD diary using the approval code provided for the live event for up to four weeks after the event date.