
Wessex Spring Meeting 2021

Date range
28 - 30 April 2021
This meeting has applied for 15 credits of live CPD credit (expires 30 May 2021) and 15 credits Distance learning CPD accreditation (expires 30 April 2022) from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP)

BGS Wessex region will be hosting a virtual networking meeting, consisting of key note speeches and mini updates. Areas will include innovation and research updates, service development and patient feedback.

The Abstract and Poster book is downloadable here or via the right hand side menu.
You can also access them as an online book here 

Who should join:

This event is a local forum covering the latest scientific research and the best clinical practice in care of older people. This meeting will cover core areas of interest to all specialists responsible for the health care of older people and is open to attendees from near and far.

Although this webinar is being organised by BGS Wessex all healthcare professionals are welcome to register regardless of geographical location. All professionals providing healthcare to older people are welcome to join


  • Improve attendees' skills in the urgent care of frail older people
  • Inspire attendees to achieve personal excellence in the urgent healthcare of older people
  • Share focused best practice presentations and the latest research in urgent care of older people
  • Takeaway new activities and ideas to advance attendees' workplace services
  • Network and socialise with peers.


Cost to attend virtual event

  27th May Non-Member
 Fee (Inc VAT)

27th May BGS Member
Fee (inc VAT)

Senior Doctors: Consultant / GP



SAS Grade / StR / GP Trainee/IMT/Foundation Year Doctor

£17.50 Free
Healthcare Professionals: Nurse Allied Health Professional £17.50 Free 
Retired/ Medical Student £12.50 Free

A 20% early bird discount is available until 26th March 2021. Register soon!



14.00 Introduction & Welcome
Esther Clift (BGS Wessex Chair)

14.10 Evaluating the Medicine for Older People Liaison Service to Acute Surgery
Dr Ed Hewertson, Consultant Geriatrician, University of Southampton 


14.25 Integrating a DGH front door frailty service with community partners 
James Lee, Consultant Practitioner Trainee, Salisbury Hospital, HEE Wessex and Yvonne Banton, Occupational Therapist, Salisbury Foundation NHS Trust

14.40 The role of the ACP working with older people during the pandemic
Dr Michele Board, Principal Academic Nursing Older People, Bournemouth University & Cliff Kilgore, Consultant Nurse Intermediate Care/Older People, Dorset Healthcare University NHS. Foundation Trust

15.10 Accurate early diagnosis of overactive bladder in the point of care setting
Dr John Young, Interim Director, Institute of Biomedical and Biomolecular Sciences and Reader (Assoc. Prof.) in Translational Medicine, University of Portsmouth


15.25 The role of Anticipatory Care Planning in facilitating preferred place of care and admission avoidance  
Jemma Harris, Lead Older Persons Specialist Nurse, University Hospital Southampton

15.40 Development of E-Learning modules - Standard approach to training to support those caring for patients living with frailty: Launch of Tier 1, 2a and 2b frailty education e-learning and associated materials
Cheryl Davies, Programme Manager - Healthy Ageing, Wessex AHSN and Catherina Nolan, Clinical Lead Occupational Therapist, Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust


15.55 Keynote: Everyone Brave is Forgiven
Dr Gill Turner, Consultant Physician in Community Geriatric Medicine, Lymington and New Forest

16.20 Poster presentations

16.45 Social discussion and close

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Virtual Book of Abstracts

Abstracts and posters presented at this Wessex Spring Meeting