Introduction: The ageing population poses challenges to the health care industry worldwide. The huge demand for residential care home for the elderly (RCHE) services induces pressure on health care workers (HCWs) recruitment and retention. HCWs are personnel who have prominent roles in direct basic care to the older adults, and all kinds of hands-on care. Due to the “unpleasant” work nature, shift work, and physical demands for HCWs, it is essential to unfold how HCWs comprehend their working experiences. Methods: An integrative review was conducted to synthesize various streams of literature in order to generate new knowledge. Multiple databases such as CINAHL, ERIC, LWW nursing were adopted to search for relevant literature published between 2012 and 2022. Results: A total of 24 articles were retrieved at the initial stage, and 7 articles were sorted after in-depth review. In general, results supported that HCWs experienced positively on the works at RCHEs though there were job stresses. The HCWs perceived the roles at RCHEs as routinized and task-oriented by providing direct care to older adults. They perceived their roles at RCHEs as care providers who provided direct care to older adults. Also, their responsibilities to maintain the safety and dignity of older adults was expressed as utmost importance. The meaning of works lay on three levels: interpersonal (e.g. self-achievement), interpersonal (e.g. communication with team members), and job performance (e.g. task compliance). Conclusions: This study reveals the experiences of working at RCHE from the HCWs’ perspective. The HCWs’ experiences reflected in this study as well as the meaning of works discovered can generate insights for policy-makers on HCWs recruitment and retention. Acknowledgement: The work described in this abstract was fully supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of HKSAR, China [RGC: UGC/FDS16/M12/20].