Introduction Polypharmacy is an increasing concern in medicine which will lead to prescribing errors, serious drug interactions and potentially inappropriate prescribing. Aim To improve recognition of ‘Polypharmacy’, routine medication reviews during patient admissions and better communication and awareness of ‘Polypharmacy’ to General Practitioners (GP). Methods This audit consisted of two cycles both performed over 6 weeks. Inclusion criteria: patients aged 65 < and on 6 < medications, admitted to Elderly Care ward at Chelsea and Westminster hospital. Interventions after the first cycle included education such as encouragement of clear documentation in medical record and GP summary, introduction of medication reviews as part of ward round, collaborative work with pharmacists. In the second cycle Potentially Inappropriate Medications (PIMS) were assessed using the STOPP/ START criteria approved by NICE guideline has been used to review medication regimes and highlights PIMS. Results First cycle 30 patients were recruited with an average age of 79.2 (13males and 17 females). An average number of PIMS at the time of admission was 1.3 and 0.5 on discharge. Only 1/30 (3.3%) has ‘Polypharmacy’ documented and medication reviewed; Medications Reconciliation was 29/30 (96.7%). None of the patient has documentation for Polypharmacy. Second cycle 29 patients were recruited with and average age of 80.1. (7 males and 22 females). PIMs on admission was 1.3 and 0.3 on discharge. 25/29 (86.2%) patients had ‘Polypharmacy being documented and Medication review for 29/29(100%). Medication Reconciliation was 29/29(100%). Most Common PIMS across both cycles were statins, antihypertensive and Proton Pump Inhibitor. Conclusion The interventions complete improved significantly the awareness of Polypharmacy. There is a significant increment in number of medication review of 96.7% and 82.9% on documentation for ‘Polypharmacy’, and 20% reductions in PIMS on discharge.