Joining the dots: Chapter four - Conclusions and references
This chapter offers conclusions drawn from the evidence, examples and recommendations set out in the blueprint document, plus references.
Integrated organisations across the UK are taking on responsibilities for commissioning health and social care services in different ways. This is a pivotal moment.
Strategic planners, commissioners and system leaders must recognise the challenges and opportunities posed by the ageing population and design health and care services that meet the needs of older people, now and for all of us as we age. This is a daunting task at a time when local systems across the UK are under immense pressure. However, there are a wealth of resources available to support senior decision makers as they determine how they can best serve their communities.
BGS stands ready to support health and care systems to create the conditions for change. We have a multidisciplinary membership of over 4,600 healthcare professionals and have extensive expertise across policy and communications, education, training and research. Our members work across the four nations of the UK and across acute, primary, community and social care. We urge leaders from all integrated care systems to work with us to ensure that the services they commission or provide for their older citizens, patients and carers are the best they can possibly be.
The right to health and social care is a human right, a principle as valid for older people as anyone else. Older people are the main users of health and social care services, largely due to frailty and multimorbidity. Improving how services work for them holds the key to many of the problems currently experienced by the wider system. That is why it is vital to use the evidence, examples and recommendations set out in this Blueprint to create a sustainable integrated model of care for older people.
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- Professor Anne Hendry, Honorary Secretary, BGS; Honorary Professor, University of the West of Scotland
- Dr Lucy Abbott, Consultant Geriatrician, Frimley Park Hospital
- Jayne Agnew, Pharmacist, Southern Health and Social Care Trust
- Ðula Alićehajić-Bečić, Consultant Pharmacist Frailty, Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust
- Dr Amit Arora, Vice President Workforce, BGS; Regional Clinical Director, ECIST- NHS England
- Kate Bennett, Clinical Lead Physiotherapist, Solent NHS Trust
- Professor Andy Clegg, Co-Chair, BGS Sarcopenia and Frailty Special Interest Group; Professor of Geriatric Medicine, University of Leeds; Honorary Consultant Geriatrician, Bradford Royal Infirmary
- Dr Esther Clift, Chair, BGS Nurse and AHP Council; Professional Adviser, NHS England & Improvement; ConsultantPractitioner in Frailty, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust
- Professor Jugdeep Dhesi, President Elect, BGS; Consultant Geriatrician, Guy’s and St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust; Honorary Professor Geriatric Medicine, King’s College London; Deputy Director, Centre for Perioperative Care; Clinical Lead, NHS Elect POPS network
- Dr Tom Downes, Vice President Clinical Quality, BGS; Consultant Geriatrician and Clinical Lead for Quality Improvement, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals
- Dr Prem Fade, Co-chair, BGS End of Life Care Special Interest Group; Consultant Physician/Geriatrician, Lymington New Forest Hospital
- Dr Deb Gompertz, Clinical Lead Complex Care South Somerset
- Professor Adam Gordon, President, BGS; Professor of Care of Older People, University of Nottingham; Consultant Geriatrician, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust
- Sally Greenbrook, Policy Manager, BGS
- Dr Ruth Law, Deputy Honorary Secretary, BGS; Consultant in Integrated Geriatric Medicine and Clinical Lead for Care of Older People, Whittington Hospital
- Lucy Lewis, Consultant Practitioner, NHS@Home, Wiltshire Health and Care
- Sarah Mistry, Chief Executive, BGS
- Dr Lara Mitchell, Consultant Physician Older People’s services QEUH, South Sector, NHSGGC; National Clinical Lead Frailty, Healthcare Improvement Scotland
- Professor Caroline Nicholson, Co-chair, BGS End of Life Care Special Interest Group; Professor of Palliative Care and Ageing; HEE/NIHR Senior Clinical Lecturer; Honorary Nurse Consultant St Christopher’s Hospice
- Dr Marianne Plater, Community Geriatrician, Lymington New Forest Hospital
- Dr Mark Roberts, Consultant Geriatrician, Western Health and Social Care Trust
- Dr Jane Youde, Consultant Geriatrician, Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; Clinical Director of Audit and Accreditation, RCP London