Outcomes from a pilot project offering frail older adults living with HIV a virtual MDT comprehensive geriatric assessment

Poster ID
Authors' names
J Wong; J Mellor; G Memon; H Baker; S Allu; F Amin; A Sukthankar; S.Mather; R Davenport
Author's provenances
Manchester Foundation Trust


Advancements in HIV treatment has resulted in an ageing population in people living with HIV (PLWH). Increasing prevalence of frailty in older PLWH has been demonstrated, giving rise to multi-morbidities, polypharmacy and consequently, complex medical and social needs. Approximately 5650 people are living with HIV across Greater Manchester. With increasing patient complexity, a pathway was developed to help provide holistic care and improve quality of life for older adults living with HIV.

A pilot involving multi-disciplinary professionals from the hospital frailty, HIV and community teams was established. Patients were screened using the Clinical Frailty Scale and patients with a CFS ≥ 4 were referred for completion of a comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA). Patients would then be discussed at the Frailty MDT meeting, where action plans were devised.

A collaborative MDT approach to managing older PLWH can facilitate formulation of action plans to address patients physical, psychological and social needs.