Promoting Bone Health by ensuring in-patient Ortho-geriatrician Bone Health plan in patient notes following Neck of Femur Fracture (NOF).

Poster ID
Authors' names
C Carruthers, A Akande, G Jacobs, A Timms & L Stapleton(S)
Author's provenances
Lewisham University Hospital


Promoting Bone Health by ensuring in-patient Ortho-geriatrician Bone Health plan in patient notes following Neck of Femur Fracture (NOF).

  1. Introduction & Aims

Osteoporosis affects 3 million people in the UK with more than 500,000 hospital presentations annually due to fragility fractures costing in excess of £4.4 billion to the NHS. Bone protective medications are a cost-effective way of reducing fracture and admission following a fall.

The Royal College of Physicians National Hip Fracture Database targets that patients are: “given suitable bone strengthening treatment and followed up to ensure that they are still receiving this protection 120 days after fracture”. Lewisham Hospital achieves this in only 22% of suitable patients against a national average of 35%.

This project aimed to increase the number of eligible NOF patients on bone protective medication.

  1. Method

Data was collected for patients over the age of 65 admitted with NOF. 22 eligible patients were admitted from 01/01/23 to 28/02/23 and 16 from 01/03/23 to 31/05/23. It was identified whether an appropriate bone health plan, including FRAX and calcium/vitamin D supplementation, was recorded in the medical notes and electronic departure note (EDN). Interventions included an advice sheet for rotating doctors, additional education at induction and a bone health proforma for medical notes and EDNs.

  1. Results

86% of patients in cohort one had bone health plans in their notes and 59% in their EDN.  64% commenced on bisphosphonates with 1 eligible patient (4.5%) not receiving medication. After the interventions 100% patients had a bone health plan in their notes and 80% on their EDN. 46.7% of this cohort commenced bisphosphonates which equated to 100% of patients appropriate for bone protective medication.


Providing guidance and education to rotating doctors to ensure Geriatrician-led bone health planning resulted in all eligible patients commencing bone protective medication and total numbers above the national average.
