The BGS Quality Improvement (QI) Hub has been put together by members of the BGS Clinical Quality Committee (CQC) to help healthcare professionals navigate QI methodology, and to plan and deliver their own projects to drive improvements in the quality of care for older people.

The hub consists of five areas:

Introduction to QI

​​​​​​What is Quality Improvement (QI) and why is it important to consider in the context of older people's healthcare? This section discusses the different origins and approaches to QI.

There are several tools and methods described in the Quality Improvement (QI) literature and it is important you choose the correct one for your project. This section walks you through selecting the best method.

Next steps

Good work conducted as part of QI projects should be celebrated. It is important to see if the gains in one area can be replicated or spread to another area and influence ongoing change in different departments. This section provides detail on how to scale up and spread your project, considering both logistical and human factors.

Involving people

Staff engagement, leadership, culture and multidisciplinary working are crucial to deliver and embed any QI project. This section offers guidance and advice on involving others in your QI work.

Project ideas

This section provides hints and tips for quality improvement projects that relate to the health and care of older people, with real examples from abstracts and posters submitted to BGS conferences.


The BGS would like to acknowledge with grateful thanks the contributors, members of the QI Hub working group and members of the BGS Clinical Quality Committee without whom this project would not have been possible.


The BGS would like to acknowledge with grateful thanks the contributors, members of the QI Hub working group and members of the BGS Clinical Quality Committee without whom this project would not have been possible.

  • Susan Went, Health Foundation Quality Improvement Fellow and Former BGS Lay Trusteee 
  • Sangam Malani, Chair, BGS Trainees Council
  • Ganan Sritharan
  • Tom Barlett
  • Rachel Melrose
  • James Lee
  • Aileen Fraser
  • Tom Downes, BGS Vice President, Clinical Quality
  • Jane Youde, Acting/Interim Chair, BGS Clinical Quality Committee
  • Professor Jugdeep Dhesi, Past Vice President, Clinical Quality