QI Hub: Involving people

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Staff engagement, leadership, culture and multidisciplinary working are crucial to deliver and embed any QI project. This section offers guidance and advice on involving others in your QI work.

This section addresses the human aspect of change and the role of leadership and multi-professional working.

It will guide you through some of the main sites that will assist you in the following areas:
  • Leadership in QI
  • Staff Engagement
  • Culture Change
  • Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary QI
  • Academic resources
There are many excellent resources out there and these sites will give you some ideas about how to manage these particular areas within your QI project.
  • Quality improvement in mental health -  King's Fund
    This report describes the quality improvement journey of three mental health organisations (two in England and one in Singapore). It provides key insights and lessons for others considering embarking on a similar journey.
  • QIClearn
    QIClearn supports individuals, teams and organisations who want to learn to use robust change methods really well to continuously improve patient care. 
  • Key publications - The Health Foundation
    The Health Foundation has worked in quality improvement for over 15 years, and have produced a number of reports and toolkits to help inform practice and policy
  • HEE Wessex School of Quality Improvement
    Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary support for Quality Improvement through training, education, fellowships and showcasing events. Focuses on building capability and capacity across the healthcare workforce in quality improvement and leadership with the ultimate aim to improve patient safety and experience. There are a number of good resources on their website, including details of fellowships, short courses and masterclasses, as well as published frailty projects and project posters, many of which are multidisciplinary.
  • Leading Multi-disciplinary Teams Towards Consensus Case Study - HQIP
    Describes an experience of convening groups of multi-professional experts across fields and disciplines to improve patient care.
A focus of quality improvement work is the positive impact it can have on healthcare, systems and ultimately at the centre, the patients. Involving patients and families in quality improvement work helps identify what is important to them and generate outside the box ideas and review.





Medical directors

  • Learning from Excellence
    The Learning From excellence website has a huge range of resources including background evidence, ways to use positive reporting and appreciative inquiry, videos A very useful website which demonstrates the power of positive action and looking for excellence as a means to promote excellence and manage risk. Ideas and resource for all levels, specialties and professions.