Updated April 2023
On this page, speakers and committee members can access relevant documents relating to expenses, conflicts of interest and permissions to share presentations. Please read the expense policy before completing the relevant forms using the links to the right.
For speakers at conferences, the completed documents and any queries about reimbursement should be directed to registrations@bgs.org.uk.
For those attending committee meetings, the completed documents and any queries about reimbursement should be directed to committees@bgs.org.uk.
Please only send bank details if you have not been reimbursed by the BGS previously, or if your details have changed.
Expenses policy
BGS will reimburse speakers and committee members where these expenses are supported by receipts and/or other evidence and they do not exceed the limits set out below.
Every effort should be made to keep costs to a minimum. If expenses exceed the maximum rates below, BGS may pay part of the claim up to the agreed limit. Please contact us if this the agreed maximum rates are likely to be exceeded.
Normal maximum rates of allowance
BGS will pay the full cost of hotel accommodation and meals for those away from their base on BGS business, subject to the following maximum rates:
- Bed and Breakfast- £200 (London) or £140 (provinces)
- Breakfast - £15.00
- Lunch - £15.00
- Evening meal - £25.00 excluding alcohol
Travelling expenses will be reimbursed for the equivalent of standard second class public transport or airfare, and travellers are also encouraged to use advanced purchase fares where possible.
If using your private vehicle. The mileage rate is 45p per mile.
BGS Meeting Speaker Policies
Please refer the BGS Expenses Policies below before downloading and completing the necessary form(s).
BGS Meeting Speaker Policies
Please refer the BGS Expenses Policies below before downloading and completing the necessary form(s).
BGS Spring and Autumn Meetings Speaker Policy
The policy is that all invited speakers, regardless of membership standing, are extended complimentary registration for the day of their presentation when speaking in person. The BGS will cover up to 1 night’s accommodation, when speaking before 11 am or where long travel times are required to reach the venue. This accommodation must be booked directly by the BGS. Rooms booked directly will not be reimbursed.
The BGS will also cover standard class return travel expenses as per the BGS expense policy. This will be capped at a maximum of £250, unless prior approval is given from the BGS events team.
Speakers are asked to utilise all available study and travel budget available to them from their Trust/ employer in the first instance.
Any amendments to this policy need to be requested from the Director of Learning and Professional Development, and agreed in advance. He can be contacted on conferences@bgs.org.uk. All speakers will have access to the online portion of the meeting, and on-demand content as well.
Guest Lecturers
The policy is that both guest lecturers, regardless of membership status, are extended complimentary registration for the whole meeting. The BGS will cover up to 1 night’s accommodation. The BGS will also extend standard class return travel expenses as per the BGS expense policy and there will be no registration fees required. A complimentary invitation to the dinner including a partner or guest is also extended.
Platform and poster presenters
The policy is that all presenters invited to deliver platform presentations are required to handle costs relating to accommodation and travel. They are also required to complete registration, at least for the day they are speaking. If they wish to attend any other days of the meeting or the conference dinner the appropriate registration fees are required.
Moderators (Chairs) of Spring and Autumn Meetings
BGS policy is that all chairs are required to handle costs relating to accommodation and travel. They are also required to complete registration paying the appropriate registration fees where required. If the chair is only attending for one specific session, and this is requested from the Director of Learning and Professional Development in advance, the registration fee can be waived. He can be contacted on conferences@bgs.org.uk
SIG Meetings Speaker Policy
The policy is that all invited speakers, regardless of membership standing, are extended complimentary registration for the day of their presentation when speaking in person. The BGS will cover up to 1 night’s accommodation, when speaking before 11 am or where long travel times are required to reach the venue. This accommodation must be booked directly by the BGS. Rooms booked directly will not be reimbursed.
The BGS will also cover standard class return travel expenses as per the BGS expense policy. This will be capped at a maximum of £250, unless prior approval is given from the BGS events team.
Speakers are asked to utilise all available study and travel budget available to them from their Trust/ employer in the first instance.
Any amendments to this policy need to be requested from the Director of Learning and Professional Development, and agreed in advance. He can be contacted on conferences@bgs.org.uk. All speakers will have access to the online portion of the meeting, and on-demand content as well.
Platform and poster presenters
The policy is that all presenters invited to deliver platform presentations are required to handle costs relating to accommodation and travel. They are also required to complete registration, at least for the day they are speaking. If they wish to attend any other days of the meeting or the conference dinner the appropriate registration fees are required.
Committee officers at SIG meetings
The policy is that all committee officers, where not speakers, are extended complimentary registration for the meeting. The BGS will cover up to 1 night’s accommodation, where long travel times are required to reach the venue or attending a committee meeting. The BGS will also extend standard class return travel expenses as per the BGS expense policy. Committee officers taking up the waiver should:
- first take active steps to see if other sources of funding are available
- actively represent the BGS while attending (including chairing sessions, judge posters, talk to as many members as possible; meet external representatives; develop opportunities and sponsorship).
Moderators (Chairs)
The policy is that all invited chairs, not speakers at the meeting or officers of the Section are extended complimentary registration for the day of the session they are chairing. The BGS will extend standard class return travel expenses as per the BGS expense policy. Typically accommodation is not considered for chairs. Registration for the remainder of the meeting (if the meeting is longer than one day) can be extended if requested from the Director of Learning and Professional Development in advance. He can be contacted on conferences@bgs.org.uk
Nation and Region Meetings Speaker Policy
The policy is that all invited speakers, regardless of membership standing, are extended complimentary registration for the day of their presentation when speaking in person. The BGS will cover up to 1 night’s accommodation, when speaking before 11 am or where long travel times are required to reach the venue. This accommodation must be booked directly by the BGS. Rooms booked directly will not be reimbursed.
The BGS will also cover standard class return travel expenses as per the BGS expense policy. This will be capped at a maximum of £250, unless prior approval is given from the BGS events team.
Speakers are asked to utilise all available study and travel budget available to them from their Trust/ employer in the first instance.
Any amendments to this policy need to be requested from the Director of Learning and Professional Development, and agreed in advance. He can be contacted on conferences@bgs.org.uk. All speakers will have access to the online portion of the meeting, and on-demand content as well.
Platform and poster presenters
The policy is that all presenters invited to deliver platform presentations are required to handle costs relating to accommodation and travel. They are also required to complete registration, at least for the day they are speaking and pay any registration fees due. If they wish to attend any other days of the meeting or the conference dinner the appropriate registration fees are required.
Moderators (Chairs) and Committee officers at Nation and Region meetings
The policy is those committee officers, and moderators who are not speakers, can be extended complimentary registration for the meeting if required. Committee officers taking up the waiver should:
- First, take active steps to see if other sources of funding are available
- Actively represent the BGS while attending (including chairing sessions, judge posters, talk to as many members as possible; meet external representatives; develop opportunities and sponsorship).