The topic content is divided into the information types below
Here you can find links to our new frailty elearning module and other useful training materials.
This area of the Frailty Hub focuses on the national picture. Here you can access publications by NHS England, NICE, GIRFT, NHS RightCare and NHS Benchmarking.
Useful information to help you set up a frailty service, with examples of best practice, service development, and business cases.
Collated resources on frailty in settings including care home medicine, emergency medicine, frailty units and community. Resources relevant to specialised services such as diabetes, heart failure and oncology can also be found here.
Find out what frailty is and how it can be diagnosed and managed.
Good work conducted as part of QI projects should be celebrated. It is important to see if the gains in one area can be replicated or spread to another area and influence ongoing change in different departments. This section provides detail on how to scale up and spread your project.
There are several tools and methods described in the Quality Improvement (QI) literature and it is important you choose the correct one for your project.
What is Quality Improvement (QI) and why is it important to consider in the context of older people's healthcare? This section discusses the different origins and approaches to QI.
Although much progress has been made in defining best practice, setting standards for delivery and improving the processes of care, there is still variability; there is no consistent delivery or outcomes.
This section provides hints and tips for quality improvement projects that relate to the health and care of older people, with real examples from BGS conferences.