The Silver Prize for Visual Arts and Ageing
First Prize £250, funded by the Welsh BGS
A short list of artists have been invited to show their work at the autumn meeting of the Welsh BGS (5th – 6th September in Swansea)
The work will be in a variety of visual media e.g. painting, collage, multi-media or sculpture, and deal with the theme of ageing.
Each work will be accompanied by a description (medium used, size), and a few sentences detailing the inspiration for the work, or putting it in context.
Attendance at the meeting will not be mandatory to be included in the judging.
If you have been invited to present your work, please see the innstructions for submitting your artwork for the Silver Prize exhibition below:
- Please send your artwork to: Dr Susan White, Stroke Unit, Llandough Hospital, Penarth CF64 2XX.
- If you prefer to deliver it personally, the stroke ward is on the ground floor; my secretary’s number is 02920715653
- If your artwork is on photographic paper, card or paper I would suggest you mount it within a cardboard mount, which will enhance it for presentation. Please do not send anything with a wooden frame or in glass, as they need to be light enough to attach with Velcro stickers to a presentation board.
- Please send the final dimensions (with mount) as we need to plan how much space is required.
- We will make information cards to attach to the artworks