
Wales Autumn Meeting 2019

Date range
28 - 30 April 2021
This meeting has applied for 15 credits of live CPD credit (expires 30 May 2021) and 15 credits Distance learning CPD accreditation (expires 30 April 2022) from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP)

This event is intended for clinicians and healthcare professionals working with older people in acute and community settings in Wales. The 2 days will include keynote presentations from experts in the field, workshops and plenary sessions demonstrating best practice approaches available. We hope you will make contacts and start collaborations which will continue on from this meeting.

Call for Abstracts

Abstracts are encouraged and will be accepted as platform presentations. Please click here for more information and to submit 

Sessions include:

  • Geriatricians in liaison roles (debate)
  • Update on immunotherapy
  • Dementia and oncology
  • The role of the physicians associate in geriatrics
  • Registrar presentations

Who should attend:

  • Consultants & specialist doctors in geriatric medicine
  • Researchers in geriatric medicine
  • Doctors delivering or training in related specialties
  • GPs wsi in Older People and GP trainees
  • Nurses and allied health professionals 
  • Core medical trainees 

Conference aims:

  • Improve attendee's skills in the healthcare of older people
  • Inspire attendees to achieve personal excellence in the healthcare of older people
  • Share focused best practice presentations and the latest research in the healthcare of older people
  • Takeaway new activities and ideas to advance attendees' workplace services


Here are some Frequently Asked Questions responses, particularly around family-friendly facilities.


Here are some Frequently Asked Questions responses, particularly around family-friendly facilities.

The Silver Prize for Visual Arts and Ageing

First Prize £250, funded by the Welsh BGS

A short list of artists have been  invited to show their work at the autumn meeting of the Welsh BGS    (5th – 6th September in Swansea)

The work will be in a variety of visual media e.g.  painting, collage, multi-media or sculpture, and deal with the theme of ageing.

Each work will be accompanied by a description (medium used, size), and a few sentences detailing the inspiration for the work, or putting it in context.

Attendance at the meeting will not be mandatory to be included in the judging. 

If you have been invited to present your work, please see the innstructions for submitting your artwork for the Silver Prize exhibition below:

  1. Please send your artwork to: Dr Susan White, Stroke Unit, Llandough Hospital, Penarth CF64 2XX.
  1.  If you prefer to deliver it personally, the stroke ward is on the ground floor; my secretary’s number is 02920715653
  1. If your artwork is on photographic paper, card or paper I would suggest you mount it within a cardboard mount, which will enhance it for presentation.  Please do not send anything with a wooden frame or in glass, as they need to be light enough to attach with Velcro stickers to a presentation board.
  1. Please send  the final dimensions (with mount) as we need to plan how much space is required.
  1. We will make information cards to attach to the artworks 

We have introduced family-friendly space at this meeting that has access to live streams of the main session. During registration please indicate your intention to use this space. The space will be clearly marked on the floorplan, have access to toilets and catering facilities as normal for delegates. In the space will be some toys, books and games as well as a nappy bin.

Please note Not all venues can accommodate warming of food, have dedicated baby changing facilities and some may require you sign a waiver having brought your own food onsite.

We know its important to our changing workforce and we ask that you understand we work within the constraints that limit us.

We ask where possible that you are accompanied by a partner, family member or carer so you can attend the sessions. We won’t charge for partners to be present but we can’t guarantee you’ll be able to sit in the sessions with your child(ren) all the time. With access to the livestream and slido for questions we hope you can be as engaged as possible. We know this might not be adequate enough in all cases, and do ask for your understanding on this.

If you require further details please contact g.collingridge@bgs.org.uk.

While we encourage early registration to facilitate the delivery of the meeting, registrations are still being accepted online until the day of the meeting. Please click the button at the top right-hand side of this page.

Please log in to your BGS online account or create an account to register for the event.

Members will need to be logged into their current membership account in order to receive their membership discount. Please check this before registering.

This meeting has applied for external CPD from the RCP (London) and will carry 2 hours for Thursday and 5 hours for the whole Friday meeting.

In order to receive your CPD certificate please ensure you record your attendance on arrival at the meeting by  scanning your badge.

Certificates will be emailed after the meeting and record attendance based on your entry scans.

Audience members will be able to submit questions to the chair throughout the meeting for consideration at the end of each presentation. Some speakers may use this for interactive polls. We also have an ideas feature for you to submit information to the conference organisers for improvements and topics.  For an overview of the system please see https://www.sli.do/features-polls.

We have started uploading the presentation slides and sometimes video recordings from the conference onto the BGS website.  This is subject to receiving consent from the speakers and takes time to compile and upload.

Only BGS members and delegates can access the slides so you will need to log into your account to access the presentations. Your account is linked with the email address you've provided during registration or with your membership email address if you are a member of the society.

If you cannot remember your password, you can reset it at any time. Any issues, please contact membership@bgs.org.uk.

Visit the resources page to access these presentations 3 - 4 weeks after the meeting. Type the meeting title in the search tool if you cannot see the presentations. We also email all delegates when the slides are uploaded.

If you have already registered and can no longer attend the meeting, please check our terms and conditions here. 

Cancellations made within 7 days of booking, unless within two weeks before the meeting, will be refunded. Cancellations made after 7 days of booking incur a cancellation fee. Cancellations within two weeks before the meeting are not refundable.

Invoices or Receipts are attached to your confirmation email. Certificates are issued after the last day of the meeting and again emailed. You can also access these documents online via your BGS website account. To do so visit https://www.bgs.org.uk/user/login and login. Then click My events and certificates, navigate to the event attended and click on Invoice for your invoice, or if paid, this will function as your receipt. Your CPD certificate will be accessible under Certificate.


We have secured discounted accommodation rates with Oxwich Bay Hotel for delegates attending the Wales Autumn Meeting 2019. You have until 5th August 2019 to take advantage of these rates. To book your accommodation, contact the hotel directly on 01792 390329 and quote 'British Geriatrics Society'.


Cost to attend

  BGS Member
Day Fee (inc VAT)
Day Fee (Inc VAT)

Dinner Ticket (Inc VAT)

Consultant / GP £70


SAS Grade / StR / GP Trainee £35 £70 £35
Nurse £25 £50 £35
Allied Health Professional £25 £50 £35
Retired £25 £50 £35
CMT / Foundation Year Doctor £25 £50 £35
Medical Student £25 £50 £35