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Resources for Trainees

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Last updated

Links, tips and tricks for trainees interested in a career in care of the older person.

A selection of in-person, hybrid and virtual events which may be of interest to trainees considering or pursuing a career in Geriatric Medicine. For a full current list of BGS events, click here.

  • Geriatrics for Juniors – AEME
    G4J is a one-day conference, designed for Foundation Doctors and Core Medical and GP Trainees. It aims to deliver relevant and useful clinical updates in all the main sub-specialties of Geriatric Medicine, in order to improve the standard of care for older patients.
  • BGS Trainees Meeting
    A 2-day event in a hybrid format. Built around the current curriculum needs and experiences of those training for a career in geriatric medicine, it typically combines a mix of plenary presentations and workshops, a mock SCE exam, a Quality Improvement workshop, updates on the Curriculum changes and a practical interview preparation workshop.
  • BGS Regional Meetings
    These are held across the UK and can be great places to present any projects you've been working on. They are advertised locally and on the BGS events page.
  • British and Irish Association of Stroke Physicians’ Trainees Conference
    A 2-day annual face-to-face conference; last held March 2023. Check website for any online content.
  • RCP Call the Med Reg
    An event aimed at increasing your confidence prior to becoming the med reg, a role that can sometimes be daunting. £45 for non-members, free for RCP members.

There are too many to mention them all but some of our favourites are:

  • Silver Book II - BGS
    Free online resource addressing a wide range of urgent care issues specific to older people.
  • Essential Geriatrics - Henry Woodford  (ISBN: 9781032135298)
    A textbook which covers the key area of geriatrics in an accessible way with MCQ questions at the end of each section.
  • With The End In Mind (ISBN: 9780008210915) and Listen (ISBN: 9780008435479) - Kathryn Mannix
    A palliative care physician, Kathryn's books have many excellent take-home messages for all care of the older person doctors who often deal with end-of-life care and difficult conversations.
  • The Book About Getting Older (ISBN: 9781405944434) - Lucy Pollock
    Lucy is a Geriatrician and BGS member based in the South West of England. Her book is written for patients but is invaluable for doctors too.
  • What I Wish People Knew About Dementia (ISBN: 9781526634511) - Wendy Mitchell
    Wendy’s book provides a unique perspective on living with dementia.

These courses are not run or endorsed by BGS but may be of interest to Trainees wishing to expand their knowledge of the healthcare of older people. The BGS also hosts a list of external courses here.

Available to listen on most mobile devices, computers, smart speakers and some TVs, podcasts can be a good way to learn about a topic from leading experts even when you're busy.

Webpages and networks of interest to those starting out in Geriatric Medicine.

  • Geriatric Medicine Research Collaborative
    Trainee-led research network, a great platform for sharing national projects and connecting to others with research interests.
  • BGS QI Hub
    Loads of helpful resources to support QI for junior doctors with a Geriatrics focus.
  • BGS Frailty Hub
    National guidance, training and resources on frailty.

A few of our favourite channels and accounts for geriatrics content.


We know you are busy doctoring, but if working with the older person is your passion, volunteering can provide a unique perspective - and it looks great on your application to speciality.

Initatives, tools and suggestions to help deliver person-centred care for older people.

Additional information from BGS to help you understand what is involved in Geriatric Medicine training.

British Geriatrics Society membership is free for medical students and FY1/2 doctors. IMT doctors and SpR’s pay £108/yr. Membership gives you discounted conference rates, a network of likeminded professionals, access to best practice guidance and more, so join today!