Welcome to the BGS Frailty Hub

This page brings together articles, national guidelines and best practice relevant to frailty and is frequently reviewed and updated by the BGS Clinical Quality Committee and the Frailty in Urgent Care Settings Special Interest Group (SIG).

The hub consists of six areas:


Introduction to frailty 
Where you can find out what frailty is, and how it can be diagnosed and managed.

Frailty in specific settings
Here you can find resources on frailty in settings including care home medicine, emergency medicine, frailty units and community.
Resources relevant to specialised services such as diabetes, heart failure and oncology can also be found here.

Setting up and developing frailty services
Useful information to help you set up a frailty service, with examples of best practice, service development, and business cases.

Frailty and the NHS
An area of the hub focusing on the national picture.
Here you can find publications by NHS England, NICE, GIRFT, NHS RightCare and NHS Benchmarking.

Education and training resources
Here you can find links to our new frailty elearning module.

The latest research on frailty published by the BGS journal Age and Ageing.

Patient information
Information for patients about frailty.

You can use the links above or below to access the sections within the frailty hub. If you have any suggestions of materials you think should appear on these pages, please email us.

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