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Delirium is categorised by a sudden onset of fluctuating altered consciousness with changes to perception and cognitive function.
The rate of older people undergoing surgical procedures is increasing faster than the rate of population ageing . Despite this progress, older surgical patients remain at increased risk.
Definitions of a disease typically revolve around finding a pathological process in a part of the body that produces an identifiable combination of symptoms and signs. Which parts of this are true for NPH?
BGS is supporting a campaign from Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and the Centre for Perioperative Care to help people to prepare for surgery and recover more quickly afterwards.
Live in Edinburgh and online 17-19 May. Click here to register, view the programme and access the live stream.
BGS Wessex region will be hosting a virtual networking meeting, consisting of key note speeches and mini updates. Areas will include innovation and research updates, service development and patient feedback.
An emergency laparotomy is one of the highest risk surgical procedures performed. Every year across the UK more than 24,000 emergency laparotomies are carried out.
As the population ages, increasing numbers of older people are presenting for elective and / or emergency surgical intervention. This group is at higher risk of adverse postoperative outcome, likely due to underlying comorbidity and frailty, increasing vulnerability to decompensation after surgery.