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Delirium is now recognised as a common symptom of coronavirus, and older people living in long-term care facilities are at higher risk, especially those with dementia.
This Practice Question has been published with the kind permission of the Royal College of Nursing.
Could simulated practice with registered nurses improve the delivery of healthcare for older people in hospital?
Many of the residents are likely to have some degree of urinary incontinence or dysfunction. Urinary incontinence in this setting should not be viewed as inevitable. With good management it may be preventable. Incontinence is a symptom of underlying problems.
The Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons of England is concerned about the significant impact that poor oral health is having on older people’s general health and quality of life.
“Moving a patient relieves bedsores:” it sounds obvious today, but it took the work of an innovative nurse in the 1950s working with a group of elderly patients to realise it. Bedsores, or pressure ulcers are lesions caused by a number of factors including unrelieved pressure.
This resource provides practical steps that can be taken to protect older patients against nosocomial (hospital-acquired) COVID-19 on acute wards this winter.
Scottish Quality & Safety Fellows, NHS Scotland, have put together some easy-to-follow tips on stress, coping and resilience during this difficult time which they have kindly allowed us to share.
BGS Wessex region will be hosting a virtual networking meeting, consisting of key note speeches and mini updates. Areas will include innovation and research updates, service development and patient feedback.
We know that nursing is a highly skilled profession that is provided in a wide range of settings that encompass primary, community and hospital care. However, I feel the use of the term ‘nurse’ is sometimes misunderstood.
The BGS is delighted to announce that Lyndsey Dunn has been appointed as the next Chair of the BGS Nurse and AHPs Council. She will officially take up the role on 15 November 2024.
My name is Stacey Louise Finlay and simply, and selfishly, I am a Geriatrics fanatic. Selfishly as ageing is inevitable and I, like everyone else, have getting older in my future.
On this Nurses’ Day I have been reflecting on my journey as a nurse throughout my career to my current role. I cannot imagine doing any other job and, despite all the challenges nursing and healthcare face today I would not change my path for a minute!
We should never lose sight that most older people live well in older age. However, we are also very familiar with the challenge of a population that is ageing with all the risks associated with co-morbidities and complex health and social care issues.
Falls Prevention Awareness week is a national health campaign to raise awareness of falls health and injury prevention. Across the UK there will be an abundance of seminars, conferences and many discussions will be had.
The BGS Autumn Meeting 2021 marks the beginning of the term of office for a number of new BGS officers. We are incredibly grateful for the energy and commitment that all our officers bring to their roles.
Outgoing Chair and Deputy Chair of the BGS Nurses and AHPs Council reflect on the past two years and celebrate the contibutions of the Council during the pandemic.
Lucy Lewis, Chair of the Council, opened the conference’s online lunchtime session with a welcome to all. This is the second year the NAHP Council committee has brought together the wider Council membership at the BGS Autumn Meeting 2020 to meet the Committee representing them and to provide an opportunity to listen and engage and to hear what is important to them.
Lister House Care Home nestles against the beautiful North Yorkshire landscape, just on the outskirts of the historic small city of Ripon.