BGS members can access this material on a reference-only basis free of charge.
The module covers:
The definition of frailty
An explanation and review of frailty scales
The prevalence of frailty in different settings: community, care homes, acute admissions and inpatients
The theories underpinning the pathophysiology of frailty
Clinical presentation of frail older people
Adverse outcomes of frailty in different settings: community and inpatients
Evidence based interventions to improve outcomes for frail older people in a range of settings
Develop course participant's ability to articulate arguments to focus on the care of older people
Help course participant to employ a range of teaching techniques to influence colleagues behaviours to older people
Frailty Core Capabilities Framework (understanding tiers and articulate this when discussing frailty with other healthcare professionals, patients and family)
Review of an older persons' experience of living with Frailty and understand the patient's desired outcomes
Anticipatory care planning
Language of frailty – for appropriate use in conversations with carers
Develop skills to be able to advocate for frail older people
Aid demonstration of experience with frailty pathways
This is a collaborative initiative by Health Education England, NHS England and Skills for Health which provides a single, consistent and comprehensive framework that sets out the skills, knowledge and behaviours expected of any person who is involved in the care and support for people living with frailty.
The framework comprises 14 capabilities, grouped into 4 domains:
Domain A: Understanding, identifying and assessing frailty
Domain B: Person-centred collaborative working
Domain C: Managing frailty
Domain D: Underpinning principles
Within these domains there are three different 'tiers of capabilities' based on the role on the individual in the care of people living with frailty:
Tier 1: Those that require general awareness of frailty
Tier 2: Health and social care staff and others who regularly work with people living with frailty.
Tier 3: Health, social care and other professionals who provide expert care and lead services for people living with frailty.
The London Clinical Network for Frailty in collaboration with Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Wessex Academic Health Science Network have developed this elearning programme which aims to standardise training and knowledge of frailty as a complex multi-system, long term condition. This education programme is compliant with the ‘Frailty, A framework of core capabilities’ (2018) and has been funded through Health Education England’s Urgent and Emergency Care Workforce Collaborative for London.
The programme is split into 3 Tiers (courses):
Tier 1
Tier 2a
Tier 2b
It strives to promote a common language in frailty care and is designed to support enhanced clinical skills and competencies to be embedded within the existing workforce. It will support health and social care staff to meet the needs of individuals living with varying degrees of frailty and to deliver improved health outcomes.
Ensuring that there is equity in the understanding and knowledge of frailty across workforce is of paramount importance to enable delivery of consistent best practice outcomes and person experience. Currently there is limited frailty specific training available. Where present it is developed with a specific focus and does not consistently align with national and regional Ageing Well strategies for improvement. This programme meets that need.
It explores the multi-system complexity of frailty via the Geriatric 5Ms. This simple framework which comprises Mind, Mobility, Medications, Multi-complexity and Matters most encompasses all the elements which are important when considering holistic care of older adults whatever setting you are in or profession you come from.
BGS members can access this material on a reference-only basis free of charge.
The module covers:
The definition of frailty
An explanation and review of frailty scales
The prevalence of frailty in different settings: community, care homes, acute admissions and inpatients
The theories underpinning the pathophysiology of frailty
Clinical presentation of frail older people
Adverse outcomes of frailty in different settings: community and inpatients
Evidence based interventions to improve outcomes for frail older people in a range of settings
Develop course participant's ability to articulate arguments to focus on the care of older people
Help course participant to employ a range of teaching techniques to influence colleagues behaviours to older people
Frailty Core Capabilities Framework (understanding tiers and articulate this when discussing frailty with other healthcare professionals, patients and family)
Review of an older persons' experience of living with Frailty and understand the patient's desired outcomes
Anticipatory care planning
Language of frailty – for appropriate use in conversations with carers
Develop skills to be able to advocate for frail older people
Aid demonstration of experience with frailty pathways
BGS members can access this material on a reference-only basis free of charge.
The module covers:
The definition of frailty
An explanation and review of frailty scales
The prevalence of frailty in different settings: community, care homes, acute admissions and inpatients
The theories underpinning the pathophysiology of frailty
Clinical presentation of frail older people
Adverse outcomes of frailty in different settings: community and inpatients
Evidence based interventions to improve outcomes for frail older people in a range of settings
Develop course participant's ability to articulate arguments to focus on the care of older people
Help course participant to employ a range of teaching techniques to influence colleagues behaviours to older people
Frailty Core Capabilities Framework (understanding tiers and articulate this when discussing frailty with other healthcare professionals, patients and family)
Review of an older persons' experience of living with Frailty and understand the patient's desired outcomes
Anticipatory care planning
Language of frailty – for appropriate use in conversations with carers
Develop skills to be able to advocate for frail older people
Aid demonstration of experience with frailty pathways
This is a collaborative initiative by Health Education England, NHS England and Skills for Health which provides a single, consistent and comprehensive framework that sets out the skills, knowledge and behaviours expected of any person who is involved in the care and support for people living with frailty.
The framework comprises 14 capabilities, grouped into 4 domains:
Domain A: Understanding, identifying and assessing frailty
Domain B: Person-centred collaborative working
Domain C: Managing frailty
Domain D: Underpinning principles
Within these domains there are three different 'tiers of capabilities' based on the role on the individual in the care of people living with frailty:
Tier 1: Those that require general awareness of frailty
Tier 2: Health and social care staff and others who regularly work with people living with frailty.
Tier 3: Health, social care and other professionals who provide expert care and lead services for people living with frailty.
This is a collaborative initiative by Health Education England, NHS England and Skills for Health which provides a single, consistent and comprehensive framework that sets out the skills, knowledge and behaviours expected of any person who is involved in the care and support for people living with frailty.
The framework comprises 14 capabilities, grouped into 4 domains:
Domain A: Understanding, identifying and assessing frailty
Domain B: Person-centred collaborative working
Domain C: Managing frailty
Domain D: Underpinning principles
Within these domains there are three different 'tiers of capabilities' based on the role on the individual in the care of people living with frailty:
Tier 1: Those that require general awareness of frailty
Tier 2: Health and social care staff and others who regularly work with people living with frailty.
Tier 3: Health, social care and other professionals who provide expert care and lead services for people living with frailty.
The London Clinical Network for Frailty in collaboration with Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Wessex Academic Health Science Network have developed this elearning programme which aims to standardise training and knowledge of frailty as a complex multi-system, long term condition. This education programme is compliant with the ‘Frailty, A framework of core capabilities’ (2018) and has been funded through Health Education England’s Urgent and Emergency Care Workforce Collaborative for London.
The programme is split into 3 Tiers (courses):
Tier 1
Tier 2a
Tier 2b
It strives to promote a common language in frailty care and is designed to support enhanced clinical skills and competencies to be embedded within the existing workforce. It will support health and social care staff to meet the needs of individuals living with varying degrees of frailty and to deliver improved health outcomes.
Ensuring that there is equity in the understanding and knowledge of frailty across workforce is of paramount importance to enable delivery of consistent best practice outcomes and person experience. Currently there is limited frailty specific training available. Where present it is developed with a specific focus and does not consistently align with national and regional Ageing Well strategies for improvement. This programme meets that need.
It explores the multi-system complexity of frailty via the Geriatric 5Ms. This simple framework which comprises Mind, Mobility, Medications, Multi-complexity and Matters most encompasses all the elements which are important when considering holistic care of older adults whatever setting you are in or profession you come from.
The London Clinical Network for Frailty in collaboration with Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Wessex Academic Health Science Network have developed this elearning programme which aims to standardise training and knowledge of frailty as a complex multi-system, long term condition. This education programme is compliant with the ‘Frailty, A framework of core capabilities’ (2018) and has been funded through Health Education England’s Urgent and Emergency Care Workforce Collaborative for London.
The programme is split into 3 Tiers (courses):
Tier 1
Tier 2a
Tier 2b
It strives to promote a common language in frailty care and is designed to support enhanced clinical skills and competencies to be embedded within the existing workforce. It will support health and social care staff to meet the needs of individuals living with varying degrees of frailty and to deliver improved health outcomes.
Ensuring that there is equity in the understanding and knowledge of frailty across workforce is of paramount importance to enable delivery of consistent best practice outcomes and person experience. Currently there is limited frailty specific training available. Where present it is developed with a specific focus and does not consistently align with national and regional Ageing Well strategies for improvement. This programme meets that need.
It explores the multi-system complexity of frailty via the Geriatric 5Ms. This simple framework which comprises Mind, Mobility, Medications, Multi-complexity and Matters most encompasses all the elements which are important when considering holistic care of older adults whatever setting you are in or profession you come from.
This page brings together articles, national guidelines and best practice relevant to frailty and is frequently reviewed and updated by the BGS Clinical Quality Committee and the Frailty in Urgent Care Settings Special Interest Group (SIG).
The hub consists of six areas:
Introduction to frailty
Where you can find out what frailty is, and how it can be diagnosed and managed.
Frailty in specific settings
Here you can find resources on frailty in settings including care home medicine, emergency medicine, frailty units and community.
Resources relevant to specialised services such as diabetes, heart failure and oncology can also be found here.
Setting up and developing frailty services
Useful information to help you set up a frailty service, with examples of best practice, service development, and business cases.
Frailty and the NHS
An area of the hub focusing on the national picture.
Here you can find publications by NHS England, NICE, GIRFT, NHS RightCare and NHS Benchmarking.
You can use the links above or below to access the sections within the frailty hub. If you have any suggestions of materials you think should appear on these pages, please email us.
<p><strong>Welcome to the BGS Frailty Hub</strong></p>
<p>This page brings together articles, national guidelines and best practice relevant to frailty and is frequently reviewed and updated by the BGS Clinical Quality Committee and the <a href="">Frailty in Urgent Care Settings Special Interest Group (SIG)</a>.</p>
<p>The hub consists of six areas:</p>
<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 500px;">
<td colspan="180" style="white-space: nowrap;"><a href="/resources/frailty-hub-introduction-to-frailty"><img alt="" height="60" src="" style="float: left;" width="60" /></a>
<p><a href="/resources/frailty-hub-introduction-to-frailty"><strong>Introduction to frailty </strong></a><br />
Where you can find out what frailty is, and how it can be diagnosed and managed.</p>
<td colspan="180"><a href="/resources/frailty-hub-frailty-in-specific-settings"><img alt="" height="60" src="" style="float: left;" width="60" /></a>
<p><a href="/resources/frailty-hub-frailty-in-specific-settings" style="background-color: rgb(247, 247, 247);"><strong>Frailty in specific settings</strong></a><br />
Here you can find resources on frailty in settings including care home medicine, emergency medicine, frailty units and community.<br />
Resources relevant to specialised services such as diabetes, heart failure and oncology can also be found here.</p>
<td colspan="180"><a href="/resources/frailty-hub-setting-up-and-developing-frailty-services"><img alt="" height="60" src="" width="60" /></a>
<p><strong><a href="/resources/frailty-hub-setting-up-and-developing-frailty-services">Setting up and developing frailty services</a></strong><br />
Useful information to help you set up a frailty service, with examples of best practice, service development, and business cases.</p>
<td colspan="180"><a href="/resources/frailty-hub-frailty-and-the-nhs"><img alt="" height="60" src="" width="60" /></a>
<p><a href="/resources/frailty-hub-frailty-and-the-nhs"><strong>Frailty and the NHS</strong></a><br />
An area of the hub focusing on the national picture.<br />
Here you can find publications by NHS England, NICE, GIRFT, NHS RightCare and NHS Benchmarking.</p>
<td colspan="180"><a href="/resources/frailty-hub-education-and-training"><img alt="" height="60" src="" width="60" /></a>
<div><a href="/resources/frailty-hub-education-and-training"><strong>Education and training resources</strong></a><br />
Here you can find links to our new frailty elearning module.</div>
<td colspan="180" style="text-align: center;"><a href="/resources/frailty-in-older-people"><img alt="" height="60" src="" width="60" /></a>
<p style="text-align: left;"><a href="/resources/frailty-in-older-people"><strong>Research</strong></a><br />
The latest research on frailty published by the BGS journal <em>Age and Ageing</em>.</p>
<td colspan="180" style="text-align: center;"><a href="/resources/frailty-hub-patient-information"><img alt="" height="60" src="" width="60" /></a>
<p style="text-align: left;"><a href="/resources/frailty-hub-patient-information"><strong>Patient information</strong></a><br />
Information for patients about frailty.</p>
<p>You can use the links above or below to access the sections within the frailty hub. If you have any suggestions of materials you think should appear on these pages, please <a href="">email us</a>.</p>
This page brings together articles, national guidelines and best practice relevant to frailty and is frequently reviewed and updated by the BGS Clinical Quality Committee and the Frailty in Urgent Care Settings Special Interest Group (SIG).
The hub consists of six areas:
Introduction to frailty
Where you can find out what frailty is, and how it can be diagnosed and managed.
Frailty in specific settings
Here you can find resources on frailty in settings including care home medicine, emergency medicine, frailty units and community.
Resources relevant to specialised services such as diabetes, heart failure and oncology can also be found here.
Setting up and developing frailty services
Useful information to help you set up a frailty service, with examples of best practice, service development, and business cases.
Frailty and the NHS
An area of the hub focusing on the national picture.
Here you can find publications by NHS England, NICE, GIRFT, NHS RightCare and NHS Benchmarking.
You can use the links above or below to access the sections within the frailty hub. If you have any suggestions of materials you think should appear on these pages, please email us.
BGS members can access this material on a reference-only basis free of charge.
The module covers:
The definition of frailty
An explanation and review of frailty scales
The prevalence of frailty in different settings: community, care homes, acute admissions and inpatients
The theories underpinning the pathophysiology of frailty
Clinical presentation of frail older people
Adverse outcomes of frailty in different settings: community and inpatients
Evidence based interventions to improve outcomes for frail older people in a range of settings
Develop course participant's ability to articulate arguments to focus on the care of older people
Help course participant to employ a range of teaching techniques to influence colleagues behaviours to older people
Frailty Core Capabilities Framework (understanding tiers and articulate this when discussing frailty with other healthcare professionals, patients and family)
Review of an older persons' experience of living with Frailty and understand the patient's desired outcomes
Anticipatory care planning
Language of frailty – for appropriate use in conversations with carers
Develop skills to be able to advocate for frail older people
Aid demonstration of experience with frailty pathways
This is a collaborative initiative by Health Education England, NHS England and Skills for Health which provides a single, consistent and comprehensive framework that sets out the skills, knowledge and behaviours expected of any person who is involved in the care and support for people living with frailty.
The framework comprises 14 capabilities, grouped into 4 domains:
Domain A: Understanding, identifying and assessing frailty
Domain B: Person-centred collaborative working
Domain C: Managing frailty
Domain D: Underpinning principles
Within these domains there are three different 'tiers of capabilities' based on the role on the individual in the care of people living with frailty:
Tier 1: Those that require general awareness of frailty
Tier 2: Health and social care staff and others who regularly work with people living with frailty.
Tier 3: Health, social care and other professionals who provide expert care and lead services for people living with frailty.
The London Clinical Network for Frailty in collaboration with Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Wessex Academic Health Science Network have developed this elearning programme which aims to standardise training and knowledge of frailty as a complex multi-system, long term condition. This education programme is compliant with the ‘Frailty, A framework of core capabilities’ (2018) and has been funded through Health Education England’s Urgent and Emergency Care Workforce Collaborative for London.
The programme is split into 3 Tiers (courses):
Tier 1
Tier 2a
Tier 2b
It strives to promote a common language in frailty care and is designed to support enhanced clinical skills and competencies to be embedded within the existing workforce. It will support health and social care staff to meet the needs of individuals living with varying degrees of frailty and to deliver improved health outcomes.
Ensuring that there is equity in the understanding and knowledge of frailty across workforce is of paramount importance to enable delivery of consistent best practice outcomes and person experience. Currently there is limited frailty specific training available. Where present it is developed with a specific focus and does not consistently align with national and regional Ageing Well strategies for improvement. This programme meets that need.
It explores the multi-system complexity of frailty via the Geriatric 5Ms. This simple framework which comprises Mind, Mobility, Medications, Multi-complexity and Matters most encompasses all the elements which are important when considering holistic care of older adults whatever setting you are in or profession you come from.
BGS members can access this material on a reference-only basis free of charge.
The module covers:
The definition of frailty
An explanation and review of frailty scales
The prevalence of frailty in different settings: community, care homes, acute admissions and inpatients
The theories underpinning the pathophysiology of frailty
Clinical presentation of frail older people
Adverse outcomes of frailty in different settings: community and inpatients
Evidence based interventions to improve outcomes for frail older people in a range of settings
Develop course participant's ability to articulate arguments to focus on the care of older people
Help course participant to employ a range of teaching techniques to influence colleagues behaviours to older people
Frailty Core Capabilities Framework (understanding tiers and articulate this when discussing frailty with other healthcare professionals, patients and family)
Review of an older persons' experience of living with Frailty and understand the patient's desired outcomes
Anticipatory care planning
Language of frailty – for appropriate use in conversations with carers
Develop skills to be able to advocate for frail older people
Aid demonstration of experience with frailty pathways
This is a collaborative initiative by Health Education England, NHS England and Skills for Health which provides a single, consistent and comprehensive framework that sets out the skills, knowledge and behaviours expected of any person who is involved in the care and support for people living with frailty.
The framework comprises 14 capabilities, grouped into 4 domains:
Domain A: Understanding, identifying and assessing frailty
Domain B: Person-centred collaborative working
Domain C: Managing frailty
Domain D: Underpinning principles
Within these domains there are three different 'tiers of capabilities' based on the role on the individual in the care of people living with frailty:
Tier 1: Those that require general awareness of frailty
Tier 2: Health and social care staff and others who regularly work with people living with frailty.
Tier 3: Health, social care and other professionals who provide expert care and lead services for people living with frailty.
The London Clinical Network for Frailty in collaboration with Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Wessex Academic Health Science Network have developed this elearning programme which aims to standardise training and knowledge of frailty as a complex multi-system, long term condition. This education programme is compliant with the ‘Frailty, A framework of core capabilities’ (2018) and has been funded through Health Education England’s Urgent and Emergency Care Workforce Collaborative for London.
The programme is split into 3 Tiers (courses):
Tier 1
Tier 2a
Tier 2b
It strives to promote a common language in frailty care and is designed to support enhanced clinical skills and competencies to be embedded within the existing workforce. It will support health and social care staff to meet the needs of individuals living with varying degrees of frailty and to deliver improved health outcomes.
Ensuring that there is equity in the understanding and knowledge of frailty across workforce is of paramount importance to enable delivery of consistent best practice outcomes and person experience. Currently there is limited frailty specific training available. Where present it is developed with a specific focus and does not consistently align with national and regional Ageing Well strategies for improvement. This programme meets that need.
It explores the multi-system complexity of frailty via the Geriatric 5Ms. This simple framework which comprises Mind, Mobility, Medications, Multi-complexity and Matters most encompasses all the elements which are important when considering holistic care of older adults whatever setting you are in or profession you come from.
This page brings together articles, national guidelines and best practice relevant to frailty and is frequently reviewed and updated by the BGS Clinical Quality Committee and the Frailty in Urgent Care Settings Special Interest Group (SIG).
The hub consists of six areas:
Introduction to frailty
Where you can find out what frailty is, and how it can be diagnosed and managed.
Frailty in specific settings
Here you can find resources on frailty in settings including care home medicine, emergency medicine, frailty units and community.
Resources relevant to specialised services such as diabetes, heart failure and oncology can also be found here.
Setting up and developing frailty services
Useful information to help you set up a frailty service, with examples of best practice, service development, and business cases.
Frailty and the NHS
An area of the hub focusing on the national picture.
Here you can find publications by NHS England, NICE, GIRFT, NHS RightCare and NHS Benchmarking.
You can use the links above or below to access the sections within the frailty hub. If you have any suggestions of materials you think should appear on these pages, please email us.